Update-Version for older Fleet/Truck Navigator-versions on CTFPND-1 (V1,V2,V3) and CTFPND-2. Please let us know which model you have in the order comment field.
New in Version 10.5 (26.10.2018):
- Map data 2018.2N
New in Version 10.0 (21.11.2017):
- Bugfixes
- Map data 2017.2N
New in Version 9.0 (16.11.2015):
- Bugfixes
- Map data 2015.2N
New in Version 8.5 (16.10.2014):
- GLONASS-GPS-support
- Economic avoidance of toll for Germany and Austria
- Map data 2014.2N
New in Version 8.0 (25.11.2013):
- route planning with approximate stop-off points improved (fuzzy via)
- Map data 2013.2N
New in Version 7.5 (30.10.2012):
- due to the intelligent self- learning mode (ETA), time is calcula-ted on the basis of individual driving behaviour, resulting in a more accu-rate calculation of the time of arrival.
- route planning with approxi-mate stop-off points (fuzzy via)
- announcement of navigation instructions in off-road mode
- announcement of texts with Text2Speech
- display of other vehicles (bud-dies) with geofencing alerts
- only a few tags are sufficient to influence the routes.
- Map data 2012.2N
New in Version 7.0 (21.11.2011):
- Improved graphical design
- Faster address-search
- Map data 2011.2N
New in Version 6.5 (13.03.2011):
- Transfer of off-road routed possible (Guided Navigation)
- Improved routing performance
- Map data Q2/2010
New in Version 6.0 (26.07.2010):
- Numbered motorway exits
- Realistic motorway signs and junction views
- Revised navigation interface
- Show other vehicles (buddies) via interface
- Map data Q4/2009
New in Version 5.5 SP2 (06.12.2009):
- Map data Q2/2009
New in Version 5.5 (11.10.2009):
- Radar warner (More than 16.000 stationated radars in Europe. 1 year free updates included)
- TTS (Text-to-Speech) Engine
- Coordinate-input
- Global search for POIs
- Guided Navigation (Import complete routes from eg. Map&Guide Professional)
New with version 5.2 (25.02.2009):
- Map data Q2/2008
- Windows Vista support
- PayTMC support (on request. Project based)
- 18 languages
New with version 5 (03.10.2008):
- Driver can decide how much he wants to avoid side roads and city throughpassing.
- Turnover manoveurs are avoided on constructional not seperated roads.
- Navigation recognizes when starting point and end point are in restricted areas.
- Speed warning in many countries.
- Automatic smart zoom for optimal map information when approaching manoveur points.
- Direction display of highway signs
- Automatic change of day- and night-view possible
- Improved and updated maps
Included maps :
- Europe (see data sheet for coverage)
Scope of Supply :
- PTV FleetNavigator SD-card (includes program and all maps)
Note : For approval of getting this update, please send us a copy of your invoice (only neccessary for non-CarTFT.com purchasers) and let us know your former licence key(s).
Contact : sales@cartft.com or fax +49 7121 3878265 (please mark the shop order number)